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Top 5 Reasons to Consider a Gas Fireplace Insert

Purchasing a fireplace insert is not only a long term investment in your home, but it can also result in short-term energy savings, convenience and a beautiful transformation as well. A win-win-win! 1. Save Money and Increase Energy  Efficiency Fireplace…

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10 Spring HVAC Maintenance Tips

It’s that time of year, when everyone in Eastern Wisconsin is really looking forward to the end of winter and excited for warmer days to come. Though it may not feel like it yet, summer is just around the corner!!!…

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4 Reasons to Schedule Fall Heating Maintenance

Fall is well underway in Door County and winter just around the corner which means nights are getting colder and colder. Before days become frigidly cold too, you’ll want to schedule your annual heating system maintenance. Even if your system…

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